Ontario’s Endangered Jefferson Salamander Part 3, Update…
by Sherry /June 29, 2022 / WILDLIFE, Protecting Our Local Treasures: Continued
The Inspirational Niagara Escarpment & Birch Forests
Two months have passed since my last note on ‘Within The Darkened Forest’. As it is that time of the year, I have taken a little hiatus from painting to complete other seasonal obligations (my landscape design business). However, I feel that it is important to provide an update on the painting progress since my last ‘Jeff’ blog. I am both excited and pleased with the unanticipated turn of events.
Before setting aside my brushes, ‘Within’ began to transform from the simplified close up version that I originally intended and proposed. It has taken on more and more elements and features of the focus area. That is, the Mount Nemo Escarpment featuring the endangered Jefferson Salamander. Below is a sneak peek showing the various stages of progress from the initial sketch through to its transformation. Snippets are shown in the underlying sections with phases four, five and six where changes are partially revealed.
During this time that I have stepped away I have come to appreciate the continual metamorphosis of ‘Within’. This break is allowing me to refresh and regroup while rethinking the evolution of this special painting I feel quite confident that once completed, it will shine even more light on this beautiful yet vulnerable region and its inhabitants while drawing the appropriate attention to this precious area.
In the meantime, I continue to keep Jeff and other vulnerable species ‘alive’ through the media. Over this extended course of time, I have had the opportunity to receive additional media coverage regarding our species at risk. This has provided me with the opportunity to discuss both on camera and via podcast as well as to write about how, as Canadians, we can help to save our beautiful yet vulnerable species. Noted below are details of, and links to all coverage including both previous and recent Media Coverage:
Previous Media Coverage…
Recent Media Coverage…
Upcoming Media Coverage…
Hamilton Community Newspapers Stoney Creek edition. Gardening For Wildlife. Click HCN 2 to read
Local Gardener Magazine (National Gardening Magazine) Summer Edition. Link Coming In July
More Inspirational Scenes From The Local Area
I hope that everyone reading this blog will take the time to watch, listen or read all of this coverage that I have graciously been afforded regarding this highly important subject. The status of our Species at Risk is a critical one. It is an issue that may very well worsen and ultimately have a more serious trajectory than it currently faces. Much more must be done to save our fragile wild species and spaces. We all can do our part to ensure that we keep our vulnerable flora and fauna strong and healthy.
One final note for now – or perhaps it’s a wildlife lover’s plea… We cannot afford to lose any more of our wild populations. We have already lost the beautiful Karner Blue Butterfly that sadly, is extirpated (extinct) in Ontario, as are many other creatures. They all deserved better. Jeff deserves better. So does our magnificent Mount Nemo Escarpment and all of its valuable flora and fauna. And so, I say to all Ontarians ~ Please, unite for the greater good! Help our vulnerable wild species and spaces. Every bit counts.
I look forward to providing additional information in the future including the ongoing transformation of ‘Within The Darkened Forest’ and its eventual completion. Until then, I anticipate being back at my easel very soon. For Jeff, and ~ For The Love Of All Things Nature…
Have an Artful Day!
Warmest to Everyone,
Sherry ~ artscapesbysherry.ca