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Breaking News – ABS ‘Darkness’ Series Art ~ A SPECIAL UPDATE…





The Story Behind This Special Dedication…

I am excited to announce the completion and following release of my latest painting. This piece came to be for three particularly important reasons:

    1. This artwork, which is part of my ‘Darkness’ series, was created to highlight a beautiful, endangered ecosystem in British Columbia, Canada. It also shines a                 light on several magnificent yet vulnerable species at risk in that region.

    2. As with the standard practice of my donation program for the ‘Darkness’ series, a portion of proceeds from products of this specific painting will be donated to             assist with efforts in preserving BC’s natural spaces and wildlife within.

    3. This piece is dedicated to and in honour of the lifetime achievements of Canada’s Dr. David Suzuki, award winning geneticist and broadcaster, world renowned             as decades-long host of the popular CBC TV’s series, The Nature Of Things.

Through his lifetime, Dr. Suzuki has opened humankind’s eyes to the incredible world of science; the importance of all life on earth and the critical interconnections between all species. His tireless efforts and remarkable achievements have garnered respect throughout the science and environmental communities. A UNESCO prize recipient, Dr. Suzuki is a widely recognized world leader in sustainable ecology. His incredible lifetime of contributions deserves to be honoured and I am pleased to do so. And to that ~

A Painting In Motion…

And Now ~ Introducing…

‘Shadows in the Brush Lands’

Left Photo: Original Painting – 11”x14” cradled board and Right Photo: Shows full original painting with 20”x24” cradled back frame (simulated in this photo)

The Story Behind This Special Artwork…

I chose my subjects for this piece very carefully and with great respect for Dr. Suzuki’s opinions that he provided me. That is ~

“… Insects are the most numerous, diverse, important group of animals on Earth. Without insects terrestrial ecosystems around the world would collapse. …”

Thus, with his personal insight and other generously provided comments, it assisted me in determining some of the subject matter for this piece. In the end, ‘Shadows in the Brush Lands’ came to be an extraordinary piece featuring three endangered insects set within an endangered ecosystem in the Okanagan region of British Columbia, Canada.  As a nature lover and from my artist’s perspective, I have depicted the scene as I envision the setting might be when visiting this region.

This demanding piece, albeit of a petite size, (11”x14” painting mounted on 20”x24” one-colour cradled back frame) has been an extraordinary adventure for me. It was with great determination that I conceived this ‘story’ and developed the elements while executing the piece in my typical ‘Darkness’ fashion. Despite it being challenging at times, ‘Shadows…’ was definitely worth all of the effort for the special reasons that I have noted above which include Dr. Suzuki’s lifelong devotion to our natural world as well as his unique appreciation for insect life and their critical roles on this earth.

A Few Affirmative Words…

I am pleased that the concept behind this painting and the representative nature that I had intended to portray has proven to be easily understood as is indicated by just one of the kind comments from Dr. Suzuki after viewing my painting ~

“… By showing the bee in the setting you have, you remind us that its significance and importance as a pollinator requires its habitat. Well done. …”

About ‘Shadows in the Brush Lands’…

As the sun rises above the Antelope Brush a golden glow spreads over the land. Hidden within this precious treasure, tiny creatures work tenaciously as they fight for their survival. Fearful of being pulled into the shadows, they determinedly cling to the graceful buds and petals. Let this be a warning…Tread lightly through these delicate regions. Do not destroy their home or all may soon become ~ ‘Shadows in the Brush Lands’.

The Subjects & At-Risk Status…

Endangered: Antelope Brush; Behr’s Hairstreak Butterfly; Gypsy Cuckoo Bumble Bee; Nine Spotted Lady Beetle
Additional: Arrowleaf Balsamroot: Indigenous to the southern interior of British Columbia. No at-risk status

Always Painting For The Cause…

As with all Artscapes By Sherry endangered species paintings, each work of art carries a cautionary tale of what could be if we do not take heed of and respect our wild Canada. And, to that…

In a quest to help Canada’s Endangered Species, a portion of net proceeds from all ‘Shadows in the Brush Lands’ products, including giclee prints and greeting cards will be donated to the David Suzuki Foundation for their ongoing efforts with the preservation and protection of the precious and vulnerable endangered wild species and spaces in British Columbia, Canada.


I hope that you find my mission of helping to protect and preserve Nature one of importance and if so, you will consider supporting our Canadian wildlife and their fragile habitats through an acquisition of a ‘Shadows in the Brush Lands’ product. Bring Nature into your home, knowing you will be contributing to the betterment of our Wild Canada.

Together We CAN… For The Love Of All Things Nature

Please Click Here For Details Regarding Product Information & Purchase Options

A Heartfelt Thankyou to All & Have an Artful Day!
Warmest to Everyone,
Sherry ~ artscapesbysherry.ca