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The Latest Regarding ABS ‘Darkness’ Series Art ~ A SPECIAL UPDATE…

by Sherry / February 7, 2024 / WILDLIFE, SPECIAL EXHIBITION NEWS…

Art a la Carte ~ Legislative Assembly Of Ontario, Toronto


‘White Shadows Of Darkness’ Left: Front View and Right: Angled View

Happy New Year To All! Hoping Everyone is having a Healthy, Exciting, Adventurous & Memorable 2024!

And what an exceptional way for Artscapes By Sherry Hayes to have begun this new year! I am thrilled to say that my latest piece was accepted into the juried ‘Call For Ontario Artists’ in the latter part of 2023 and is currently on exhibition at the Legislative Assembly Building in Toronto, Ontario where it will hang in a group exhibition until December 31, 2024!

As shown above, ‘White Shadows Of Darkness’ depicts the Eastern Flowering Dogwood, which sadly, is a species that is endangered in Ontario. One need only witness the beauty of this magnificent small tree when ‘in bloom’ to understand that we must be great stewards of this precious species so that we can save them from becoming extinct in our province.

About ‘White Shadows’…

From Concept To Completion:

My eye has always been drawn to the stunning flowering dogwood varieties sometimes found in neighbourhoods throughout southern Ontario. During their ‘blooming’ season, one cannot ignore the outstanding display of brilliant white tips that grace each branch. While generally perceived as the tree’s flowers, they are in reality, white-coloured leaves, or bracts as they are known. On dogwoods, they surround the actual flowers which are very small yellow clusters. No matter how the observer perceives these magnificent varieties and their stunning display on residential properties, we must still remember that there is also a rare and striking native dogwood that is endangered in Ontario.

And so, the concept of ‘White Shadows Of Darkness’ began…
In continuing with my ‘Darkness’ series, I wanted to create something a little different – a new dimension with my artwork as it were. While a few of my pieces are designed board on board with the bottom board painted in one solid colour, with this new piece I chose to extend the painting to encompass both cradled boards, but in a transitional fashion that would become quite unique. That is, full colour on the centre raised feature then transitioning to grey tones on the lower portion. The grey tones within the branches, leaves and bracts also transition from light in the central area to very dark on the outer most portion of the circle, as does the multi-tone background. Below follows the process of this unique painting.

Artwork Information ~ The Story:

‘White Shadows of Darkness’

“Within the shadows of the mighty forest there grows a striking little specimen with star-like tips that glow brilliantly as the sun’s rays break through the canopy. But do not let its glory and very presence be forgotten. As darkness looms over this spectacular yet fragile beauty, one leaf cluster appears to be ‘pulling’ the other away and toward the darkness. Sadly, its glow too, will surely diminish if we do not tread lightly.”

The Eastern Flowering Dogwood:

A small tree reaching 3 to 10 metres, this dogwood grows under taller trees in deciduous or mixed forests and commonly on floodplains, slopes, ravines and sometimes along roadsides. In Canada, it can only be found in southern Ontario in the Carolinian Zone. While having the appearance of white flowers, these are large, showy leaves that look like petals and in fact, surround the clustered tiny yellow flowers. Smooth berries also grow in clusters and turn bright red in late summer.

While its primary threat is a fungus that first attacks the leaves then spreads throughout the twigs and trunk, the Eastern Flowering Dogwood is also threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation (habitat broken into smaller segments). We must be good stewards of Nature and ensure that this magnificent small tree does not disappear from our wilds.

Artist Statement:

To honour our Canadian wilderness and the inhabitants living within – particularly those at risk, I have chosen to tell their ‘story’ through the stroke of my artist’s brush. I highlight an unimaginable darkness with paintings designed to be bold, poignant and provocative while still holding tight to hope for a better future. Every aspect of the fragility and vulnerability is carefully entrenched into each work of art within my ‘Darkness’ series. My paintings are designed and created with resolute intent.

While the specific subject is generally depicted in realism, it is often surrounded with a purposefully overstated background. Some pieces are completed in bold, full colour while others are predominantly grey tones or surrounded by black or brown. Both styles daringly demand attention; brazenly expect reaction and openly call for response. ‘White Shadows Of Darkness’ unapologetically portrays the issue of Ontario’s endangered Eastern Flowering Dogwood. I am pleased to have ‘White Shadows’ on display throughout 2024 at the Legislative Assembly Of Ontario Building on Wellesley Street West in Toronto.

I look forward to any purchasing enquiries and to discuss how your kind acquisition of ANY ‘Darkness’ series art can help protect our Canadian At-Risk Species & Spaces. I look forward to hearing from you soon!


~ Support Through Art ~
Together, We CAN Make A Difference…
…For The Love Of All Things Nature

And Finally ~
       What’s Next on Artscapes By Sherry Hayes’ Agenda…

As I finalize another ‘Darkness Series’ painting highlighting an Ontario species at risk (title and details to be announced soon), I am excited to have now begun yet another piece that takes me into a different province. This will be a very special painting with a very special dedication.

Until then…

A Heartfelt Thankyou to All & Have an Artful Day!
Warmest to Everyone,
